Sermons (Page 21)
What do we do with Good News?
What do we do with Good News? – 2 Corinthians 6: v 1-12
‘Made in the Image of God’
‘Made in the Image of God’ – Genesis 1:26-31
“If any of you lacks wisdom”
“If any of you lacks wisdom” – James 1:5-8
Back to the beginning…and earlier!
Back to the beginning…and earlier! – Genesis 1:1
“Count it all joy!”
“Count it all joy!” – James 1:2-4, 12
Dear Church…Be glad!
Dear Church…Be glad! – James 1:1-4
What do you see?
What do you see? – Luke 2:1-20
“Jesus, our Immanuel”
“Jesus, our Immanuel” – Matthew 1:18-23
Late in time behold Him come
Late in time behold Him come:Luke 2:1-7