Sermons (Page 8)
“Hallowed be Your name”
“Hallowed be Your name”Matthew 6:9-13
The Lord is my Sufficiency
The Lord is my Sufficiency – Psalm 23:5
“Our Father in heaven”
“Our Father in heaven” – Matthew 6:5-9
The Lord is my Protector:
The Lord is my Protector: Psalm 23:4
In the Secret Service:
In the Secret Service: Matthew 6:1-4
The Lord is my Restorer
The Lord is my Restorer Psalm 23:3
Imitating the King:
Imitating the King: Matthew 5:38-48
Romans 13: 8-14
Romans 13: 8-14
Philippians 4: 2-9
Philippians 4: 2-9
The Lord is my Provider
The Lord is my Provider Psalm 23:2