Sermons by Colin Stringer (Page 3)
Sound investment advice
Sound investment advice – Matthew 6:19-24
“We have been justified by faith!”
“We have been justified by faith!” – Romans 5:1-11
I’m Born Again!
I’m Born Again! – John 2:23-3:8
“As far as it depends on you…”
“As far as it depends on you…” – Romans 12:18
Is there a future for Christianity?
Is there a future for Christianity? – Psalm 17:15
“They shall run and not be weary.”
“They shall run and not be weary.” – Isaiah 40:25-31
“Steadfast and sure while the billows roll.”
“Steadfast and sure while the billows roll.” – Mark 4:35-5:1
Around the Table of the Lord
Around the Table of the Lord: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Lord! Please get me out of here!
Lord! Please get me out of here! – Matthew 6:13
Is anyone in control?
Is anyone in control? Genesis 50:20