Sermons (Page 17)
The Great Commission
The Great Commission – Matthew Ch: 28:18-20
Why? – Psalm 10:1-18
He gives more grace:
He gives more grace: James 4:6-12
“I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High”
“I will sing praise to Your name,O Most High”: Psalm 9
A Work in Progress:
A Work in Progress:James 4:1-6
“O LORD, our Lord…”
“O LORD, our Lord…” Psalm 8
Living Wisdom
Living Wisdom: James 3:13-18
“The Blindness of the Age”
Psalm14:1-7 & Mark 8:11-12
“My shield is with God”
“My shield is with God” Psalm 7
Taming the Tongue
Taming the Tongue: James 3:1-12