Sermon temporary Archives (Page 3)
Advent & Christmas 2018 ~ Immanuel with us
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 30/12/18 Matthew 2:1-12: ‘As with gladness men of old’ Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 25/12/18 Luke2v13-14: The Wonder of Christmas Pastor Colin Luke2v13-14-The-Wonder-of-Christmas-dec25.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 23/12/18, PM Luke2v9-11: O Holy Night Pastor Colin Luke2v9-11-O-Holy-Night-dec23pm.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 23/12/18, AM Mark10v32-45: “Better to give than receive” Paul Brown
Benediction ~ Pastor Colin
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 25/11/2018, PM Revelation 22 v.20-21: “Come, Lord Jesus” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 18/11/2018, PM Numbers 6:22-27: “And I will bless them” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 28/10/2018, PM 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 & 3:16-18: The Lord be with you all Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 21/10/2018, PM 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 & 5:23-24: He will surely do it Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 14/10/2018, PM Romans 15 v.1-7: With one voice Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 07/10/2018, PM Romans 11 v.33-36: How Great is God! Pastor…
Studies in Ephesians
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 20/01/2019, AM Ephesians 4 v.7-16: Bodybuilding Pastor Colin 18/11/2018, AM Ephesians 4 v.1-6: Walking in unity Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 28/10/2018, AM Ephesians 2 v.19-22 & 3 v.14-21: Strengthened in Power Paul Brown 14/10/2018, AM Ephesians 3 v.1-13: God’s Eternal Purpose Paul Brown 07/10/2018, AM Ephesians 2 v.11-22: Called to be the Church Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 30/09/2018, AM Ephesians 2 v.11-22: Without Hope Paul Brown 10/06/2018, AM Ephesians 2 v.1-10: Saved by Grace Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf]…
Stand alone messages
Date Title Speaker Hand-out Recording 30/12/2018, AM Jeremiah 29 v. 11“For I know the plans I have for you” Jonathan Lloyd 25/11/2018, AM Acts 4 v.23-31Together in Prayer Paul Brown 11/11/2018, PM John 19 v.28-30“Tetelestai” – It is finished Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 21/10/2018, AM Zephaniah 3:14-17 Mighty to Save (Baptismal service) Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 07/10/2018, PM Romans 11:33-36 How Great is God Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 16/09/2018, PM Psalm 73: 23-26 The Christian’s Confidence Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 16/09/2018, AM Mark 1:1-11…
Guest Preachers 2017-18
Date Title Hand-out Recording 04/11/2018, PM Daniel 2 “Security in an uncertain world” Matt Faulkner 04/11/2018, AM Psalm 84 “The place to be!” Geoff Sayer 09/09/2018, AM Daniel 1 Living for God in a world that hates him Matt Faulkner 02/09/2018, PM Hebrews 4v1-13: Keith Waters 02/09/2018, AM Psalm 24v1-6: Cleaning required… Jon Lloyd 08/07/2018, PM John 10 v.1-21: Whats so special about the Gospel? Paul Brown 08/07/2018, AM 1 Tim 1 v.15: Whats so special about the Gospel? Matt…
Harvest Praise 2018
Date Title Speaker Hand-out Recording 23/09/2018, PM Psalm 104: 1-24 The Providence of God Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 23/09/2018, AM Psalm 24 The Earth is the Lord’s Pastor Colin Harvest Praise
The ABC… of the Christian Life M-Z ~ Pastor Colin & Paul Brown
In a preaching series last Summer, we began to go through a series of different aspects of the Christian Life, from A to L and finished with L for Life. This summer we continue the series from M as outlined below. Date Title Speaker Hand-out Recording 22/7/18, AM 1Timothy6:3-10 & 17-19 ABC: Money Paul Brown 22/7/18, PM Mark12:28-34 ABC: Neighbour Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 29/7/18, AM 1Peter1:1-9 ABC: Obedience Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 29/7/18, PM Luke11:1-13 ABC: Prayer Paul Brown 05/8/18, AM…
Missions Week 2018
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 01/07/2018, PM Romans 10 v.1-15: Willing Feet Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf] 01/07/2018, AM Isaiah 52 v.7-10: Beautiful Feet David Brown, Zambesi Mission 24/06/2018, PM Ephesians 6 v.15: Secure Feet Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf] 24/06/2018, AM Isaiah 52 v.7-10: Beautiful Feet Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf]
Four messages from Genesis 3
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 10/06/2018, PM Genesis 3 v.14-24: “Paradise Lost” Paul Brown 03/06/2018, PM Genesis 3 v.8-19: “The Lord said to…” Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf] 27/05/2018, PM Genesis 3 v.7-13: The Naked Truth! Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf] 20/05/2018, PM Genesis 3 v.1-7: Bad News! Colin Stringer [icon_file_pdf]
2018 Motto verse ~ Mark 16v15 “Go into all the world…”
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 06/05/18, AM Matt. 28v16-20 & Mark 16v14-20: He said “Go” Paul Brown 14/01/18, AM Mark 16v15: “Go into all the world…” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf]