Sermon temporary Archives (Page 2)
Missions Week 2019
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 10/11/2019, PM Acts 1 v.1-11: “Facing a task unfinished” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 10/11/2019, AM John 14 v.1-7: The Missionary Mandate Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 03/11/2019, PM Colossians 1 v.1-14: A model for mission today Mike Beresford 03/11/2019, AM 2 Timothy 1 v.1-14: No condemnation now I dread Mike Beresford
The Word of the Lord came to Jonah
Mention Jonah and immediately people think about a man being eaten by a fish. However, the book named after this man is much more than that. Jonah is raised up by God to preach at a critical point in the history of the nation of Israel. Jeroboam II is a wicked king. However, God demonstrates His mercy on His people by giving them a period of prosperity. Everything we know about Jonah before we start this book is found in…
The 10 Commandments
So we all know the 10 commandments don’t we. Or do we? But what do they mean for a Christian in the modern world? Why are they important and relevant still today? What can we learn from them and how can they help us now and for eternity? Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 25/08/19, PM Exodus 20:17 / Lke 12:13-21 Be Satisfied Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 25/08/19, AM Exodus20:1-17 Be Truthful Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 18/08/19, PM Exodus 20:15 / Matthew 5:21-26…
The Lordship of Christ in…
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 21/07/19, PM Isaiah 30 The Lordship of Christ in our lives (2) Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 21/07/19, AM Isaiah 30 The Lordship of Christ in our lives (1) Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 14/07/19, PM Colossians 2v.6-15 The Lordship of Christ – Our relationship Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 14/07/19, AM Ephesians 5 v. 22-32 The Lordship of Christ in the Church Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 07/07/19, PM Acts 17 v.15-31 The Lordship of Christ in Providence & Grace Pastor Colin…
Morning Studies in Ephesians
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 016/06/19, AM Ephesians 5 v.16: Timewasters & How we spend our time Paul Brown 09/06/19, AM Ephesians 6 v.10-20 Take everything to the Lord in prayer Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 02/06/19, AM Ephesians 6 v.10-20 Taking up the armour of God 2 Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 26/05/19, AM Ephesians 6 v.10-13 Taking up the armour of God Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 19/05/19, AM Ephesians 6 v.10-13 “Be strong in the Lord” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 05/05/19, AM Ephesians…
Evening studies in Job
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 09/06/19, PM Job 42:1-17 ‘Happily ever after’ Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 02/06/19, PM James 1 v.2-12 & 5 v.10-11: “You have heard the Steadfastness of Job” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 26/05/19, PM Job 28:1-28 Wise words about Wisdom Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 05/05/19, PM Job 23:1-17 “He knows the way that I take” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 28/04/19, PM Job 19:23-29 “My Redeemer Lives” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 03/03/19, PM Job 12: “With God are wisdom and might…” Pastor Colin…
Lent & Easter 2019
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 21/04/19, PM John 21:1-87Recognising Jesus Paul Brown 21/04/19, AM Luke 24;1-7, 44-47‘He is not here, he is risen!’ Pastor Colin 19/04/19, AM Good Friday Isaiah 53v6-12: Satisfied! Pastor Colin 14/04/19, PM Isaiah 53v10: Triumph not Tragedy Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 14/04/19, AM Isaiah 53v7-9: “Like a Lamb that is led to the slaughter…” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 31/03/19, PM Isaiah 53v4-6: “Love so amazing, so divine” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 31/03/19, AM Isaiah 53v1-3: “Man of Sorrows” Pastor…
“The Disciple who is bearing witness about these things”
In these eight Home Fellowship Studies leading up to Easter, we look behind those events during which John makes some reference to himself. What do we learn about him? What do we learn about discipleship? But most importantly, what do we learn about Jesus? Introductory notes to the series are included in the first study below. Study No. Title Study Hand-out Leaders Notes 1. John 1:35-42:“At the start” [icon_file_pdf] [icon_download] 2. John 13:21-30: “At the table” [icon_file_pdf] [icon_download]…
2019 Motto verse ~ Phil 2v10-11 “at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 13/01/19, AM Phil 2 v.1-11: Jesus Christ is Lord – Our Response Paul Brown
New Year studies in Isaiah: The God who. . .
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 13/01/19, PM Galatians 2 v.15-21: Christ lives in me Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 06/01/19, PM Isaiah 40 v.29-31: The God who gives me strength Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 06/01/19, AM Isaiah 40 v.25-28: The God who knows my way Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf]