Date | Title | Speaker | Hand-out | Recording |
30/12/2018, AM | Jeremiah 29 v. 11“For I know the plans I have for you” | Jonathan Lloyd | Audio Player | |
25/11/2018, AM | Acts 4 v.23-31Together in Prayer | Paul Brown | Audio Player | |
11/11/2018, PM | John 19 v.28-30“Tetelestai” – It is finished | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
21/10/2018, AM | Zephaniah 3:14-17 Mighty to Save (Baptismal service) | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
07/10/2018, PM | Romans 11:33-36 How Great is God | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
16/09/2018, PM | Psalm 73: 23-26 The Christian’s Confidence | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
16/09/2018, AM | Mark 1:1-11 Good News | Pastor Colin | Kitty’s baptism | Audio Player |
09/09/2018, PM | John 6:22-35 Spiritual Satisfaction | Paul Brown | Audio Player | |
15/07/2018, PM | Psalm 46 v.8-11: Be Still | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
15/07/18, PM | Psalm 46 v.1-7: Be Sure | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
13/05/2018, PM | Mark 13 v.32-42: Gethsemane | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
14/01/18, PM | Isaiah 53v1-6: “Man of sorrows! What a name” | Pastor Colin | [icon_file_pdf] | Audio Player |
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Studies in Ephesians