Christian Faith & the Olympics!

Christian Faith & the Olympics!

We have recently finished a sermon series reviewing the Christian Faith & the Olympics. Please find below links to the handouts and recordings of the available sermons from Pastor Colin.

19th AugustHebrews 11v1-4,v32-40, 12v1-4 Biblical Lessons from London 2012 – Glenford Mapp[icon_play]
12th August2Tim4v6-8 The prize is in sight!2Tim4v6-8-The-prize-is-in-sight-Aug12am.pdf’>[icon_file_pdf][icon_play]
5th AugustPhil3v12-14 Finishing WellPhil3v12-14-Finishing-Well-Aug5am.pdf’>[icon_file_pdf][icon_play]
29th JulyHeb12v1-3 Run with enduranceHeb12v1-3-Run-with-endurance-Jul29am.pdf’>[icon_file_pdf][icon_play]
22nd JulyIsaiah40v27-31 When weary in this earthly raceIsaiah40v27-31-When-weary-in-this-earthly-race-Jul22am.pdf’>[icon_file_pdf][icon_play]
15th July1Corinthians9v24-27 Keep on running[icon_file_pdf][icon_play]