Above the door on the way out of our church building “The Mission Field Starts Here!” We at SBC are very much committed to missions beyond our building and indeed beyond our nation. We support a variety of organisations around the world in their mission to spread the Gospel of Christ.

AsiaLink are committed to the spread of the gospel amongst the unreached peoples of Asia. They focus upon helping indigenous church leaders to direct their own outreach among Asia’s least-reached peoples.
This work is achieved in many ways, from the support of evangelists and church-planters in some of the region’s most inaccessible areas to the printing and distributing of evangelistic literature and Bibles in restricted access areas, as well as relief and community development projects among unreached people groups where the ultimate focus of the aid includes evangelism and church planting.
BCT is a UK based organisation who work in partnership with local churches to equip the church to approach the topic of origins with confidence, and to proclaim the truth of the Bible and its gospel message. Their workers, take meetings on both the biblical and scientific aspects of the origins, and are also involved in scientific research that is consistent with the Bible’s story-line. Paul Garner works for BCT full time. Steve Lloyd is a part-time researcher and lecturer for BCT and is also pastor of Hope Church, Gravesend. Matthew Pickhaver and Bill Worraker work as associates of BCT.

Dani and Doina Vasilica work in Romania, where they seek to spread the gospel, evangelise and disciple children and young people through the teaching of God’s Word.
Their work includes regular children’s ministry in local churches, organising and running children’s camps in the summer, live radio broadcasts, an online ministry for children and young people as well as literature translation.
Dani and Doina have two daughters, both of whom are at University.
Zambesi Mission works in partnership with the Zambesi Evangelical Church to help Christians in Malawi and northern Mozambique to use their God-given gifts, to spread the gospel, and to show the love of God in many practical ways including; health care, education and caring for orphans.
ZM also partners with the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi to train future leaders, evangelists and church planters. They also seek to put the Scriptures into as many hands as possible through the distribution of Bibles and Book Sets. In many parts of the country people will walk for miles in the hope of getting a Bible!