Posts by Ben Hutton (Page 6)

Posts by Ben Hutton (Page 6)

3rd August 2014: Psalm 96 ~ Colin Stringer

Date Title Hand-out Recording 3rd August, PM Ps96v1-6 “Sing to the Lord a new song” Ps96v1-6-Sing-to-the-Lord-a-new-song-aug3am.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 3rd August, AM Ps96v7-13 The King is Coming Ps96v7-13-The-King-is-Coming-aug3pm.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf]

The Church has left the building!!! ~ Colin Stringer

Date Title Hand-out Recording 1st June, PM Jude v20-21 The Christian’s Gardening Project [icon_file_pdf] 1st June, AM Jude v20 The Christian’s Building Project [icon_file_pdf] 25th May, PM Acts4v1-22 To Boldly Keep Going [icon_file_pdf] 25th May, AM Col.4v2-6 To Boldly Go… [icon_file_pdf] 18th May, PM Galatians1v1-24 The Authentic Gospel Message Galatians1v1-24-The-Authentic-Gospel-Message-may18pm.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 18th May, AM John13v34-35 The Authentic Gospel Community [icon_file_pdf] 11th May, PM Matt5v13 The Christian’s True Influence Matt5v13-The-Christians-True-Influence-may11pm.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 11th May, AM Phil2v12-16 The Christian’s True Identity Phil2v12-16-The-Christians-True-Identity-may11am.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf]

Easter Series 2014 ~ Colin Stringer

Date Title Handout Recording 27th Apr, PM 1Peter1v6-9 Refined Faith: Greater than Gold [icon_file_pdf] 27th Apr, AM 1Peter1v3-5 Why every Sunday is Easter Sunday [icon_file_pdf] 20th Apr, PM – Easter Sunday John20v19-23 A day like no other! John20v19-23-A-day-like-no-other-apr20pm-ES.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 20th Apr, AM – Easter Sunday Acts13v28-32 So what? Acts13v28-32-So-what-apr20am-ES.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 18th Apr, AM – Good Friday John19v30 It is Finished John19v30-It-is-finished-apr18-GF.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf] 13th Apr, AM – Palm Sunday Matthew21v1-11 Triumph & Tragedy Matthew21v1-11-Triumph-Tragedy-apr13am.pdf”>[icon_file_pdf]