Posts from April 2019
Lent & Easter 2019
Date Title Preacher Hand-out Recording 21/04/19, PM John 21:1-87Recognising Jesus Paul Brown 21/04/19, AM Luke 24;1-7, 44-47‘He is not here, he is risen!’ Pastor Colin 19/04/19, AM Good Friday Isaiah 53v6-12: Satisfied! Pastor Colin 14/04/19, PM Isaiah 53v10: Triumph not Tragedy Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 14/04/19, AM Isaiah 53v7-9: “Like a Lamb that is led to the slaughter…” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 31/03/19, PM Isaiah 53v4-6: “Love so amazing, so divine” Pastor Colin [icon_file_pdf] 31/03/19, AM Isaiah 53v1-3: “Man of Sorrows” Pastor…