The 10 Commandments

The 10 Commandments

So we all know the 10 commandments don’t we. Or do we? But what do they mean for a Christian in the modern world? Why are they important and relevant still today? What can we learn from them and how can they help us now and for eternity?

25/08/19, PMExodus 20:17 / Lke 12:13-21 Be SatisfiedPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf] Audio Player
25/08/19, AMExodus20:1-17 Be TruthfulPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
18/08/19, PMExodus 20:15 / Matthew 5:21-26 You shall not stealPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
18/08/19, AMExodus20:14 You shall not commit adulteryPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
11/08/19, PMExodus 20:12-17 / Matthew 5:21-26 You shall not murderPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
11/08/19, AMMatthew 12 Honour your parentsPaul BrownAudio Player
04/08/19, PMGenesis 1v.26-2v.3 / Exodus 20 v.1-7: God’s DayPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
04/08/19, AMExodus 20 v.1-7 / Isaiah 6v.1-7: God’s NamePastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
28/07/19, PMExodus 20 v.1-21: Second things second!Paul BrownAudio Player
28/07/19, AMExodus 20 v.1-21: First things first!Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player