The Lordship of Christ in…

The Lordship of Christ in…

21/07/19, PMIsaiah 30 The Lordship of Christ in our lives (2)Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf] Audio Player
21/07/19, AMIsaiah 30 The Lordship of Christ in our lives (1)Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
14/07/19, PMColossians 2v.6-15 The Lordship of Christ – Our relationshipPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
14/07/19, AMEphesians 5 v. 22-32 The Lordship of Christ in the ChurchPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
07/07/19, PMActs 17 v.15-31 The Lordship of Christ in Providence & GracePastor Colin[icon_file_pdf] Audio Player
07/07/19, AMRomans 10 v.1-30: Jesus – LORD of SalvationPaul Brown  Audio Player
30/06/19, PMColossians 1 v.3-20 The Lordship of Christ in creationPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf] Audio Player
30/06/19, AMPhilippians 1 v.27-2 v.11 Jesus is LORDPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf] Audio Player