Lent & Easter 2019

Lent & Easter 2019

21/04/19, PMJohn 21:1-87Recognising JesusPaul Brown Audio Player
21/04/19, AMLuke 24;1-7, 44-47‘He is not here, he is risen!’Pastor ColinAudio Player
19/04/19, AM Good FridayIsaiah 53v6-12: Satisfied!Pastor ColinAudio Player
14/04/19, PMIsaiah 53v10: Triumph not TragedyPastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
14/04/19, AMIsaiah 53v7-9: “Like a Lamb that is led to the slaughter…”Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
31/03/19, PMIsaiah 53v4-6: “Love so amazing, so divine”Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player
31/03/19, AMIsaiah 53v1-3: “Man of Sorrows”Pastor Colin[icon_file_pdf]Audio Player